The Lex Requiem

The Lex Requiem

Regia: Bruno Palma/Alexis Carl
Riprese: Bruno Palma/Manuel Palma
Foto: Manuel Palma
Montaggio: Sator international Group
Music: The LEX Requiem by LEX ( Alexis Karl)
Executive Producer: Ken Weaver
Producer: Martin Holvet
Dancers: Angela Harriell, Julie M Smith, Christina CJ Johnson, Sarah Conrad, Dorian Cervantes, Laura Lee Anderson

Filmed on location in Casperia, Italy, The Lex Requiem is a dance of mourning performed in an ancient town to the LEX Requiem – Haunting and mysterious, the dancers are as specters, until they emerge from the shadows in a celebration of their immortality in the fading light of a summer sun.

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